You should say:

  • Who is he/she
  • When you work/ study together
  • What do you often do together
  • and explain why you like to work with him/her.

To the best of my recollection, last year, our neighborhood organized a year-end party and our family was invited. There were many participants there, all residents in my area. I sat next to Mr. Lee, who had a bright smile that captured my attention (gây chú ý).

He broke the ice and talked to me in a well-mannered way. My first impression was that this person was truly down-to-earth and kind-hearted. I found that he works as a botanist who lives a few blocks from my house. He is about 65 years old I guess.

He has accumulated a range of hands-on experience about agriculture for over 30 years. He shared to me that he loves growing plants. He even designs his garden like a professional one. I got impressed each time I pass his house. You know, he grows different types of flowers such as roses, orchids or daisy flowers so I truly admire his talent in farming. He invited me to visit his home so that he can pass on his planting skills and I will definitely do. 

The reason why I want to work with him is that he is knowledgeable in his field. Since I’m snowed under with my study, I really need to do something to blow off some steam. I believe that growing plants does not only help me to unwind but also plays an indispensable part in protecting the environment and I believe he can help me to take up this new habit professionally.

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