Task 1: The diagram shows the small-scale production of smoked fish

I am unable to edit the diagram. Pls delete 2 mistakes in the diagram. The words ‘small scope about the production of smoking fish’ and ‘smudging’ are incorrect in this context. You can simply delete them. In the process of smoking in the vat, the fish are hung on wires to ‘smoke’. This is not clear in the diagram, but this is the process that is carried out
Report Plan:
• Paraphrase paragraph: diagram>flow-chart; production of smoked fish>process of
smoking fish
• Summary/Overview paragraph: (1) there are 8 stages (2) name the first stage and the last
• Paragraph 3 (before smoking) – cleaning, placing in salt water, cooking for 5 minutes
• Paragraph 4 (smoking process) – smoking, add colouring, pack in boxes, transportation.


The flow-chart illustrates the different stages in the small-scale process of smoking fish.

Overall, it is clear that the process has 8 stages, beginning with the preparation of the fish and ending with the delivery of the finished product.

First, the fish are cleaned with a knife and prepared ready for the production process, before being placed in a container of salt water for 30 minutes. Next, they are cooked for 5 minutes in hot salted water, and the fish are then removed.

The process of smoking is now ready to start. In a vat, the fish are hung by wires on top of some material which burns and produces smoke. The vat is covered with wood, so that the smoke cannot escape. After 30 minutes, the fish are smoked and ready for the next stage, which is the addition of yellow colouring. The smoked fish are then packed in closed containers and, finally, transported in trucks to where they will be sold.
163 words.