Task 1: The diagram shows the life cycle of a honey bee

Report Plan:

• Paraphrase paragraph: diagram>picture; shows>illustrates: life cycle>stages in
the life
• Overview/summary paragraph: (1) report the total length of the life cycle (2)
refer to the first and last stages
• Paragraph 3: report on stages 1-3
• Paragraph 4: report on stages 4 and 5.

The picture illustrates the stages in the life of a honey bee.

Overall, the complete life cycle of a honey bee takes from 34 to 36 days. The life cycle has 5 main stages, beginning with the laying of eggs and ending with the mature adult honey bee.

At the first stage, 1 or 2 eggs are laid every 3 days by an adult female bee. After 9 to 10 days, these eggs hatch and immature bees – known as nymphs – emerge. Then, as these nymphs develop and grow larger in size, they moult 3 times, after approximately 5 days, 7 days and 9 days.

Next, when the final moult is completed, the young adult honey bee emerges. This takes place after a period of about 30 days after the eggs were first laid. At the final stage, the young adult honey bee takes another 4 days to become fully mature. At this point, the female bee lays eggs and the cycle will begin again.

164 words